
Chickens, Cows, and Goats…Oh My! A Trip to Tamerlaine Sanctuary & Preserve

One of my bucket list items was visiting Tamerlaine Sanctuary and Preserve, a paradise for neglected and abused farmed animals in Montague, NJ. Established in 2014, the sanctuary sits on a historic multi-acre property and is home to chickens, goats, cows, pigs, and much more.

In 2013 owners Gabrielle Stubbert & Peter Nussbaum rescued their first farm animals – two roosters named Yuri and Jupiter. “We knew that if we could share their stories of courage and survival against all odds, we could create life-saving change for more farmed animals in need.” Over 250 animals now call Tamerlaine Sanctuary and Preserve their home.

tamerlaine sanctuary

One way to support Tamerlaine is by taking a public or private tour. Public Tours will take place at 12 noon every Saturday and Sunday and last for an hour. Private tours are a wonderful way to meet the animals and have a unique one-on-one experience that lasts 2 hours. You can also book their beautiful & historic (built in 1774!!) 7-bedroom Airbnb that overlooks the entire sanctuary.

During the tour, I got to meet a bunch of new animal friends. I was able to pet cows, and goats, and give a pig a belly rub! Did you know pigs love belly rubs?

The non-profit is funded by donations and tours. Their biggest fundraising event is their yearly Flocktoberfest, an all-you-can-eat (Vegan) and drink festival. The event takes place this year on September 24th, 2022.. Everything is located in your ticket price. All for the animals!

Tamerlaine Sanctuary is always posting great videos of its animals on Instagram. Be sure to give them a follow to get updates on all your favorites.

You can also volunteer!

For more information visit their Website, Facebook, and Instagram.

For more New Jersey Events and Adventures, follow along on Instagram, @newjerseyisntboring, and Insta Stories! Don’t forget to tag your own NJ fun with #NJisntBoring.

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