Review: The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged) at First Avenue Playhouse
Last weekend for date night, I ventured to the First Avenue Playhouse for the first time to see The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged.
If you haven’t been to the First Avenue Playhouse before, it’s a small community playhouse in downtown Atlantic Highlands. One of the things that makes this theater special, is that it’s a dessert theater. Yes, that means your ticket price includes DESSERT and not just any dessert…good dessert.
But enough about the dessert…
The play, The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged, is a show where 3 actors condense all of Shakespeare’s 37 plays into an hour and 30 minutes of pure entertainment. Yes, this is a comedy.
If you’re unfamiliar with this particular show (I saw it years ago), there is a script but the director and actors can definitely make it their own. There were a lot of modern pop culture references in this show (including 50 shades of Grey, Harry Potter and more) which had me laughing out loud.
The three actors (Fred Hadden, Eric Hackler & Kevin Gabel) in the show are hysterical. How they memorized all of the Shakespeare dialogue, along with dialogue from this play, amazed me. They were on point! This is a show that completely relies on the actors, and they shine. Truly. Eric was even our waiter for a short period of time…

If you love Shakespeare than this is a great show for you…however if you are a “snob” you might be disappointed that this is as comical as it is. You need to remember that these actors are taking 37 shows and putting them together in 90 minutes. That’s not easy…and it’s supposed to be funny.
I will say that my favorite part of the show was when they did Hamlet backwards. Trust me, it’s worth checking out.
Definitely check out this theater and if you can check out this show. It’s playing until the end of January!
PS. I ended up getting cannoli cake. It was amazing…
The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged
Dates: Fri & Sat in January; January 9 – 31. Sunday Matinee January 18
Address: First Avenue Playhouse; 123 1st Avenue, Atlantic Highlands, NJ
Cost: $22 (includes dessert & coffee/tea) Call (732) 291-7552 for reservations
Like on Facebook, Follow on Twitter @DessertTheater
About First Avenue Playhouse:
First Avenue Playhouse recently celebrated its 25th anniversary of providing quality live entertainment to the northern Monmouth County area. We are a top rated attraction on TRIPADVISOR for the bayshore area. Visitors can be entertained by a newly staged play every month throughout the year. We offer original plays by local playwrights along with a variety of comedies, musicals and light dramas. There is plenty of free parking in front of, on the side and behind the playhouse. We also offer discounts for seniors during out Sunday matinee shows as well as for our special Thursday night performances.