
Make 2016 Count! Advertising Opportunities on New Jersey Isn’t Boring


Do you need help?

New Jersey Isn’t Boring recently added a marketing time and can now offer advertising and other marketing services. To download our pricing guide, click HERE.

Whether it’s advertising on the website, creating a custom social campaign, or event promotion, NewJerseyisntBoring.com is here to assist you in growing your business! With a combined online reach of over 400,000 (and growing) people per month, advertising with NJIB will generate the results you want.

You can also promote your event with your press release for FREE.  Just send me your press release, info, pictures etc to newjerseyisntboring@gmail.com.

For all event submissions, click HERE

What are you waiting for? I’ll promote your event, county fair, restaurant opening, Happy Hour deals…whatever! (I will not promote anything negative, bigoted, racist etc)

I hope to hear from YOU soon!

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